Mufti Menk – Islam, Kindness and Benevolence

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh



Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen will be Hina staying on a Sunday on a
Sunday more Allah afford in sulky, Germaine Bina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa to be in a
woman to be at home be a son in Isla yo Medina with that.



My brothers and sisters, Islam is based on the worship of one deity who is the maker of entire
creation. That’s the basis of Islam. If someone were to tell you what is the main teaching of this
faith, it is called worshiping your maker alone. That’s what it is. Whoever made me I call him the
worship to one and I believe that he alone deserves my acts of worship. None besides Him, deserves
an act of worship. And this is the whole gist of what we call the shahada or the statement of faith,
a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow anna Muhammadan rasul Allah, when a person enters the fold
of Islam, this is the sentence this is the statement. What does he or she say? He declares it by



time believes it in the heart and works towards it with his or her organs. The statement is, I bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah. Don’t we say that we say it often, I
bear witness that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah. And I bear witness that Muhammad
May peace be upon him, is the messenger of Allah. So if you look at the first part of that beautiful



you will find that you are declaring that you will not worship anyone besides Allah because there is
none worthy of worship besides Him. And for this reason, we need to protect ourselves when we’ve
added the statements, in order to be true to that particular statement. So the first part of the
title that you see behind me says Islam. This is what Islam is, we believe



that none shall be worshipped besides he who made us We also believe that Muhammad peace be upon him
was sent by Allah



as a messenger to deliver the word of Allah. In the case of the last book, we are fortunate to have
it with us in our hearts, and in our midst, the Quran, that is the message of ALLAH, so we respect
him as a messenger. But we don’t render an act of worship for him or to him, rather, the highest
level of respect is given to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. And for this reason, we are
taught that every time you say his name, you must add next to it sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May
peace be upon him or peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family members, his companions,
etc. That is called respecting the Prophet. Why? Because he was chosen by Allah to deliver a message



to you and I,



now that we’ve had a brief introduction, as to the main pillar of Islam,



you would be perhaps,



knowing that Islam has another four pillars.



Someone says, How many pillars does Islam have? The whole world will tell you five pillars, even the
non Muslims, many of them know Islam is based on five pillars. So the first pillar we’ve spoken
about it is the founding pillar, it is the main pillar, then, in order to be true to that pillar. We
engage in worship for Allah, what is it? What is the next pillar, the prayer, the five daily
prayers, so what are we doing? We are confirming that here is an act of worship, taught by the
messenger and fulfilled by us only for whom



need us and no one else. So we will bow and we will prostrate in what is known as record and what is
known as sujood, solely and only for Allah.



And we will do that as many times as he has instructed us, you and I know it’s five times a day. And
we will do it as an honor. My beloved brothers, my sisters, when a person is weak, as a believer, he
or she may pray because he or she has to pray.



That’s good enough. I’m praying because I have to pray. I’m doing this because I have to do it. My
Lord has instructed me I have to do it, I’m doing it. That’s good enough. But there comes a time
when your relationship with your maker becomes so strong and you realize the broader benefit of the
teachings and of these pillars that you enjoy the prayer so much that you are no longer doing it
only because you have to do it but rather you have progressed to a level where you are doing it
because you want to do it. Big difference. To do something because you have to do it you get over
and done with it. Okay. Many of us are foreign soldiers. You know, what’s a foreign soldier? Get



into your foreign and move out? That’s it. No sunnah. No, nothing? No nothing. It’s a follow up
soldier. You fulfill Your basic duty, but Allah says, You know what, swim deeper into the
relationship. MashAllah Tabarrok Allah, what would you do? I now go ahead and I come early for the
prayer. I start off with sunnah which is voluntary. It was done by the Prophet peace be upon him but
he did not instruct us to do it. It was just something he did that is encouraged. Those who would
like to may follow that. Very rewarding. Absolutely amazing. So you start off with the Sunnah you
fulfill your father, you might want to infer meaning that which is compulsory, you might want to go



into that which is nothing, nothing meaning voluntary. It’s from me, it’s not even sunnah. No, is it
compulsory, it’s something I want to do more, I want to do something that’s not instructive, but it
is permissible and Allah allows me to do as much as I want, then you draw closer to Allah, you know
why every act of worship, that has a compulsory aspect to it has a voluntary aspect to it as well.



We thought of this, let me explain. I’ve explained to you about the prayer. After that, what do we
have? So we have a beautiful pillar of Islam, which now



makes you and I confirm that I’m not the only one on earth here. And it makes you realize the favor
of the Almighty upon you.



When Allah has bestowed upon you something he tells you look out for those who don’t have what you
have, because I made them too, because they are my creatures to just like I made you I made them
just like you have the right to be on Earth. So do they, but if I have given you something they
don’t have, then I want you to share it with them. Wow. I want you to share it with them. So now you
ask well, how much should I share with question right? How much should I share



what do you think the Almighty has prescribed? What percentage can you say it?



Can you say it every one of you



two and a half percent? Two and a half percent? Mashallah, so, the Almighty has prescribed that if
you have a lot, you must look out for those who do not have and give them two and a half percent but
if he wanted he did not need you to do that. He could have done it himself one.









Allah here is gonna wire Allah Musa Corolla one was done with



no fee. Kita being OB, what amazing verses of the Quran. Allah says nothing that moves on Earth
except that its sustenance is written by Allah, its provision is on Allah, Allah, Allah here is OHA
and he knows where it will come forth and where it will go down. He knows everything. So if Allah
has taken it upon



himself to provide for everything that he has created. Do you really think that he is going to miss
you and I? Do you really think that he needs you and I to provide for someone else? No, he doesn’t.
And this is why watch the beggars. I pray that Allah protect us from begging because it is not no
bull. But out of desperation, sometimes people do bed if you have anyone who begs watch them. If you
don’t give them someone else has just given them. I’m not encouraging or discouraging because you
need to distinguish between the one who is really desperately in need, and the one who does it as a
job. Subhanallah Some people enjoy baking, they come out and say, You know what, every day I’m just



going to ask if at the traffic light, for example, there are 1000 people who stop every hour. If 10%
of them give me $1 I get $10 An hour Whoa, that is a bigger salary than you and I at times may Allah
Almighty grant us is so professional begging is prohibited in Islam. You know what that means? You
become a beggar. That’s your title. Imagine your passport it says



occupation said beggar Wow, mashallah and you traveling to Hawaii for a holiday? Mashallah, may
Allah grant us protection, really. So, Allah says that, we do not rely on you to give but we want
you to give because we want you to earn the reward. The reason is, the net working that connection,
that compassion, notice the word kindness, it’s a pillar of faith connected to kindness, that is a
car, if you are not kind enough, and you will not compassionate enough, and you will not merciful
enough, and you will not forgiving enough. And all those are connected to kindness and benevolence,
you would not be able to fulfill your Zakah correctly.



So, a pillar of faith is to reach out to others with a certain type of kindness, with a certain type
of compassion, I need to feel for you if I’m going to reach out to you and you reaching out starts
before Allah gave you your sustenance. You see, in English, if you say a charity, it has in it in
its definition, that which implies that it is totally voluntary. So Zakat is not actually exactly a
charity because it has in it that which is compulsory. So it is charitable, but necessary and
compulsory at the same time, the two together. So when someone says Zakat is charity, the English
language doesn’t have a word to describe exactly what Zakat is. However,



before you had your wealth, you were supposed to start already being kind to people with different
types of charities that are not monetary.



Does anyone know of an example of a charity that is not mandatory, but it’s still called a charity?






A smile mashallah a smile, you smile, it’s a charity. Come on, guys. Even if you don’t have to
smile. It’s okay.



The most genuine of smiles are the old people who don’t even have teeth and the old man is busy
smiling at you shy that he has no more teeth left. That’s genuinely from the heart. You begin to
smile and you might even shed a tear to say look at this uncle here smiling at me mashallah
embarrassed about not having teeth.



May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless all of us, not just with good teeth, but with a brilliant smile.
And you know what? Use it often.



Use it often smile at people. It is more valuable than money that you give others. I’ve seen people
give beggars by throwing the wealth at them. Trust me, you’re losing the essence of the giving. You
give with dignity because you’re a Muslim. You give banking the Almighty that He has given you an
opportunity to give amazing that’s a true Muslim, a true Muslim will thank the almighty Oh Allah, I
thank you for giving me an opportunity that the wealth you gave me was used in such a good cause.
Because if Allah does not want your wealth, you won’t use it in a good way. You will pledge to give
the mosque or the masjid and you won’t end up giving because Allah doesn’t want your money then it



can happen. It has happened and it does happen. So thank Allah, ask Allah to show you the good
causes and then when you give, give with dignity and respect, respect that person.



There is a chef who from



Kuwait, who made mention of a story of a Kuwaiti, who before the oil was discovered, was working in
India for an Indian family, because Kuwait was a poor nation prior to oil. And he says, oil was
discovered, and they call their citizens back and this man came back to Kuwait. And some time later,
they made so much of money that they decided to call the son of the person whom this man used to
work for, to come to the Gulf and to work.



And when he came, the old man tells his son,



the Kuwaiti old man tells his son, he says,



I want you to treat this young boy with utmost respect and kindness.



He says, Yeah, well, obviously, I will. Why are you specifying this particular boy, among others?



So he says, well, Allah, he, when I worked for his father, they maltreated me they abused me, they
really did not treat me well. So look how Allah has turned the tables that today, it’s the other way
around. I want you to treat him so well, that the tables do not turn.



You understand what he’s saying?



Unfortunately, man is such when you have, you tend to think that you are justified in your
wickedness, that’s men.



When you have and you have whether it is power, position, wealth, good looks as well at times is a
test from Allah. As Allah has bestowed, recognize the blessing. Understand it’s temporary nature. No
matter how good looking you are, trust me a day will come when the wrinkle will appear, whether you
like it or not, subhanAllah you have to face it. It’s temporary. It was there for a while. When you
have wealth, a day will come when something your wealth will not be able to buy will be in front of
you and you are stuck, it can happen. Or if you have wealth, the day may come when it goes how many
have struggled and suffered you’ve seen rags to riches and riches to rags we’ve seen both be kind



while you can for indeed it is not only contagious, but it comes back with a greater reward.
Kindness breeds much more kindness, and it actually builds community and society and makes you feel
like you want to be a part of the community.



People don’t want to mix not even with their family members nowadays. Why? Because everyone treats
everyone else roughly. But if we are kind, compassionate, we think about someone else’s situation
before we even open our mouths. Kindness is not just monetary, I’ve explained to you it is also that
which is priceless without money, like a smile. Also a good word. For example, if you were to think
before you spoke to someone, if you were to empower them, if you were to say something good to
someone, it is also a charity that is also kindness be kind in the way you communicate with one
another show that you care and you will change society and community



show that you can ask people as salaam alaikum Peace be upon you how are you? Is everything okay?
How’s the family? Mashallah. And you know, when the test is when they say things are not going well?
I just suffered I need $1,000 What do you do? Turn around quickly. That’s not what I was asking you.
I’m gone. Subhan Allah, may Allah make it easy for you. May Allah grant you goodness, you can rattle
out as many do hours and supplications as you want. It’s empowering. If you really cannot help
financially and we won’t be able to help everyone they might not like us thinking this man or this
woman has but they’re not giving me no problem. But a good word. You said you did not rebuke them.



This is why when Allah Almighty speaks about in surah Taha the beggar



he doesn’t speak about giving the beggar.



He speaks about the beggar. And he doesn’t speak about giving the beggar listen to what he says.
While I’m






fallot and how they goes, Allah says As for the beggar, it’s easy for him to say, give him try to
wrong. As for the beggar, reach out to him, give him Allah says do not rebuke him. That’s the



You find. Look at the kindness of Islam. A person whom you might get frustrated because sometimes
really, they’re going beyond the limits in their begging it. And like I said, it’s something
discouraged. It’s not something



In that is noble in Islam, it is only to happen when someone is desperate. But Allah says when
someone is asking, don’t rebuke him, Do you know why Wallah he you do not know that condition. You
do not know what they are going through put yourself in their shoes for a moment before you even
respond. If you don’t want to look up don’t but don’t rebuke don’t swear. Don’t accuse



look at them if Imagine if you had to look at them and say, we were told about you last night, you
know, the Sheikh was saying you guys are all just making money. You’re this is all professional
begging, you don’t talk like that. That’s not how it works. Not at all. You need to understand the
goodness of the tongue is priceless. I’d rather you don’t give me money, but respect me.



May Allah Almighty grant us goodness and respect. So the kindness that Islam teaches through the
pillar of Zakat is way beyond just the wealth. It is an entire pillar, which is made up of so many
factors you need to go out, keep an eye look for people see those who don’t have, treat them with
respect, honor them, give them in a way that they are not embarrassed. You know, you can’t look at
someone and say, Oh, yes, that guy. Yeah, I’ve been giving him the car for the last 10 years. What
do you have to publicize it for? What do you have to embarrass them for don’t do that the kindness
includes giving with dignity, respect. That’s what it is



a pillar of Islam. Islam is the only religion and I said this yesterday, the only religion that has
as a pillar of faith, a pillar of faith,



then you must share what you have that others don’t have when you have beyond a certain point. So
the only religion that tells you that?



Why, in order for our brotherhood and sisterhood to be strengthened as well. Are we not all brothers
and sisters to begin with in humanity and then in faith as well?



Are we not connected through a common root? Are we not part of the same species? If I am in pain,
surely everyone else should be in pain.



And the minimum they should do is to pray, to ask Allah to help me and to be kind to me.



When we see someone down, don’t knock them further down, lift them up. That’s how Allah will bless
you. A day will come when Allah will have already uplifted you before you could have fallen because
you always uplifted others.



It will happen. Sometimes you find happy people mashallah, you know what, sometimes they are happy
because they make others happy. Because they’re always there to support others.



And I said sometimes, because there is a test and the challenge for the kind hearted at times,
you’re very kind hearted, the ugly world out there might take advantage of your kind heart and knock
you down. Doesn’t it happen? You’re very kind hearted. So you’re helping everyone you are so
forgiving. And so but people are stomping all over you and trampling your own family don’t value
you, the people around you don’t even you know why? Because Allah Almighty has written for you a
greater reward than all of those due to your patience and your sub. The Prophet Muhammad peace be
upon him, we believe as Muslims, the greatest of all. He went through a lot of that they mocked him,



they said things to him. They told him they tried against him. They did not appreciate anything. He
was still very respectful, very polite, very calm, very contained. He continued to repeat the good
message he helped where ever he could.



But the patience he bought was way more than any one of us would ever bear.



If Allah chose for his most beloved such great tests, then surely when he chooses for us some tests
it’s a sign of His love. In Allah either a hubbub the nipt Allah. The hadith says when Allah loves a
slave, he tests him to see more your teacher at school, and I see some principals and some of them
seated here whom I met earlier, your teacher at school, when they see that you are intelligent and
you’re doing well what will they do, they may give you a test that the others have not had in order
to promote you do a level that the others have not gotten to agree. We understand that at school but
we don’t understand it with the deen of Allah. When you are close to Allah, another test comes in



when you



even closer. Another test, a bigger test comes in, calm down, calm down, take it in your stripe seek
the help of Allah. The reason I say this is when we are kind to people.



Let’s get the intention correct



because you and I know in our faith intention plays a pivotal role in determining the reward of your
actions in a Malama Lubin neons right. Indeed all actions are judged by their underlying intentions.



when I heard and when you heard in the Quran Wallah who your hipbone sinning, Allah loves those who
do good.



What do you do?



You do good? Are you doing good? Because you think the person in front of you deserves the good
because they reciprocated or did something to deserve it? Or are you doing it because Allah loves
those who do good?



What’s your intention? If we were taught to do good to those whom we believed deserved? Goodness, we
would hardly be good. Because in our minds and hearts, they don’t deserve to be any of this
goodness, right? Because we have a human being, it can happen I have a difference of opinion. I have
this I have that. But Allah says forget about all of that you do good and be kind because I love
those who are kind. So your kindness to them is not because of them. It’s because of me. In that
case, if they do not appreciate it, you are still so happy because Allah watched it and appreciated
it. Wow. Subhan Allah, you follow? How many times have we been good to people part of the plan of



Allah the same people we were very, very good to are the ones who let us down. How many times did
that happen in all our lives? You know why? It’s Allah going back to that verse testing you telling
you that you know what you did good. Did you do it for them? If you did it for them, they will let
you down. You do it for me. I will not let you down Subhan Allah Subhana Allah amazing so purify the
intention when you are doing something kind just say Allah this is for you. In that case, your
friend You did good to them your enemy you did good to them animals you did good to them the
ecosystem you did good to eat everything else mashallah, in this beautiful city of formula.



You have the tiger shark that is unique. Am I right or wrong?



MashAllah people come from everywhere to scuba dive mashallah they offered me to Al Hamdulillah to
go and witness these Tiger Sharks name is a bit scary but mashallah, it’s true.



What a beautiful place. It is up to you to preserve your beaches, it is up to you to preserve the
water. It is up to you to preserve the island or the city. It is up to you to do all of that, why
you are being kind not just to yourself and to others but to generations that you may never need to
come. That’s what it is. That’s part of your kindness. It’s part of Islamic teachings. It’s part of
the true concern that a believer should be having.



May Allah Almighty protect us



and our environment I mean,






are you still talking about that pillar of zakat we reached out to someone we gave them two and a
half percent but guess what, guess what? Allah Almighty tells us like I said earlier, everything
that you find that compulsory in there will be a voluntary similar to it. So Salah and prayer there
is a compulsory there is a voluntary the fasting you know there is a compulsory there is a voluntary
Mondays and Thursdays voluntary it’s a sunnah beautiful, try it out it helps when medicine tells us
Monday, Thursday intermittent and so on and so forth. We are quick to say hey, I’m going to lose
weight and it’s going to help my health it’s going to increase my you know, strength of the mind and



so on. But when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us then then it’s a matter of intention, my
brothers, my sisters. So as much as there is a compulsory there is also a voluntary, in zakat
exactly the same before I talk about it, what about the hajj, there is the major pilgrimage which is
compulsory at a certain point of wealth and ability. But there is the minor pilgrimage known as the
Umrah right to wrong ombre ombre is not absolutely compulsory as the Hajj is but you may go as many
times as you want. It is beneficial. It is encouraged, May Allah take us their time and again, I



my brothers and sisters, Allah is watching how much we give when we are giving the charity the



As I said,



two and a half percent, work it out correctly.



rather err on the side of, you know, be be cautious when you’re working it out.



I’d rather having given more than two, having given less you follow what I’m saying? When you have
to work things out, work it out correctly give for the sake of Allah but Allah says Let me give you
an example of $100 Okay $100 $2.50 is mine, that’s what Allah says. Right? After that, how much are
you going to give? Allahu Akbar? How much are you going to give? So, if you gave to $2.50 you are
rewarded because why you gave me what was mine. But now I want to see are you going to give from
what is yours?



Are you going to give from what is yours? That’s where we distinguished the people. Then your
kindness reaches a new level. The Companions used to give so much the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
him says the best charity that you could ever give is the charity that you are giving wild fearing
poverty yourself.



And giving so much that I might just not have for myself No, for as long as for now you do have



See what Allah does. And VP Abner Adama on fake I like oh son of Adam, spend and I will spend on you
give and I will give you amazing.



This is only a charitable aspect of the faith.



But come to the Lord of the Worlds he calls himself the most kind, the Most Compassionate, the most
forgiving. Those are the names of Allah.



And he wants us to live by those qualities to a degree that benefits us.



Because the same qualities when we speak about Allah, they are on a level befitting to him beyond
our imagination, but when it’s speaking about us, Allah wants you to be kind. That’s why Mala yellow
hammer Allah your hammer, beautiful Hadith, whoever does not show compassion will not be shown
compassion. To get out beautifully. It’s whether Mala Humla your hammer, imagine the meaning of it
is vast. Whoever does not show compassion will not be shown compassion.



So would you like to be shown compassion, be compassionate See,



Allah Almighty has prescribed goodness.



In Allah Katha been a Santa Allah has prescribed goodness, kindness, compassion,



even at a time when you least thought it would be applicable.



You know, you and I, we consume food. We eat food and hamdulillah May Allah make it easy for us.



The food needs to be halal.



The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him taught us that when you are



sacrificing an animal for consumption purposes, make sure it is a swift, quick, clean movement in
the name of Allah.



Don’t let the animals struggle and suffer even at that point.



So if you if you are taught kindness to animals,



what do you think it would be regarding humankind?



We spoke about your expressions, you show kindness with your expressions. I have tried this. And
I’ve tested it. If you become a little bit conscious of your expression, you will be in positive



Did you hear what I just said you become a little bit conscious of your expression on your face at
all times. Even if you’re sitting right now. Instead of frowning looking this way. Try to have a
slight bit of a smile.



See how much positivity it will be.



People would love to sit around you just because they get the positive energy, nothing else. Where
did it come from the sooner that’s what it is.



Never be too quick to judge people. When you see them. You don’t know what they’re going through in
their lives. They might be going through a lot. It might require you to get up and say a word of
compassion for their lives to just change at that point.



The world out there is cruel. You know what it does. When it sees you in a good position, it will
come to you to try and drop you. And when it sees you already dropped, it will come to you to try
and bury you. And when it sees you already buried, it will try to bury those who loved ones to you
as well as the world. But Allah Almighty tells us learn



to be considered. Imagine the kindness of Islam is taught even when dealing you achieve the mercy of
the Almighty when you are buying and you’re selling on condition that you are thoughtful and
compassionate about the other party Rahimullah hungry in some hand either by some hand either



Allah has mercy on the one who is considerate of the buyer when selling and considerate of the
seller when buying.



That means I’m selling something I want for it $20 I know that by that I will have made a profit of
$5 Perhaps which is a decent percentage.



And here comes a man dressed very well. And he tells me how much is this? I look at his car.



Look at his clothing. Smell his perfume? I say 40 bucks my brother



What’s that? You double the price simply because you saw the man had the decent vehicle and
everything else? Subhanallah where is the compassion? You didn’t even think you quickly just said it
because this guy’s got money, he must give it to me Subhanallah we was the compassion. The same
applies when you see a poor person selling a product. Don’t squeeze them to the degree that they go
home saying I only made 50 cents out of this deal. And I was planning to make $5 to at least bring
food for my children home and I couldn’t do it today because there was a wealthy person who squeezed
me Have you noticed in a lot of cases the wealthier the people are the more they will squeeze you



notice sorry maybe not in this beautiful city or country but it is happening



I have to cover my back right



so it happens where people Allah bless them with millions but when they go to buy something from the
side of the road, they will squeeze the guy and squeeze him and squeeze him until they get something
for almost free and they think they did a good deed my brother you’ve got so much of wealth you need
to take out double and tell his brother look this is for what I bought and I just want to give you
some more or keep the change mashallah we also have those type of people who say Keep the change,
Mashallah. So, when you are buying something from someone who doesn’t look like they have much, yes,
you are allowed to bargain bargaining is part of the Sunnah. Someone says this is 50 You say don’t



give it to me at 14.



But there is a limit to it. You don’t squeeze the guy until you bring him right down to 20 and he’s
desperate for something so he’s selling it to you but you have you won’t achieve the Mercy of Allah
Allah says, Allah’s Mercy is upon the one who is considered of the seller when buying and considered
this man has a family, probably no one has bought for him and so on. I recall the days when I used
to live in Madina Munawwara some of you might have heard this in some of my talks.



I used to volunteer at a certain store that used to sell a bias you know, these cloaks that women



and I was a teenager.



And I remember one of the brothers who was sitting with us, a customer came in and said I’d like to
purchase this product. They showed them the product they showed them the power they told them the
price everything they said no the size, everything is good. Yes. Okay. Can I take this? So he said
Hang on the same product, the same size, the same everything. If you go to the shop that is just
there and he pointed where that shop was? You will get it there. He says But why he said no pick it
up from them and give them the money.



He says But why he says because so many customers have come to my store today. And that store. No
one has come yet and he has the same stock.



Wow, I learned something. You think we could do that here?



Let’s be honest. Do you think we could do that here?



In sha Allah in sha Allah, masha Allah here, and not only just here, but in many countries, we still
need to look at that model of compassion. I’m sure it was with our forefathers. But as the world has
become more materialistic, we’ve also become more selfish. That’s what it is. We have much more but
we are more self



It’s about me, myself. And I, that’s it. So much so that if they asked you for a recipe to make a
cake that they liked, you refuse. No chance.



It’s happening. I can’t why it’s mine. Share it, because you might die soon at least they’ll
remember you every time they eat the cake and say, may Allah have mercy on that man or woman. Right?
So share it.



So that’s where we’ve gotten. The brother phoned the other store and said, Listen, I’ve sent
someone, this is what they want. This is the price that I agreed it was a decent price. So please,
can you give them the stock? In my mind? I said, SubhanAllah. I’ve learned something that even if I
had to pay fees, I wouldn’t have learned otherwise.



compassion, kindness, you thought about your brother? What’s he going to do? How is he I made so



If someone were to open a store similar to yours across the road from you? Wouldn’t it be like a
small camera that came about your greed is already the signs of the hour? How could you open I have
a cell phone shop here and right next door, how dare you open a sane cell phone shop SubhanAllah.
And you want to sell the stock at $1 cheaper than mine? Where is the shame?



But you go to some countries where all the



mobile phone shops are in one area, all of them, everyone, all the shops where you’re going to buy a
certain thing in one area and so on, it happens.



I remember there was a brother who told me a story. He comes from a city in Africa. He said there
was a chain store that opened in front of me selling the same hardware that I was selling. And every
time I put my price outside, you know you advertise your price. They put it $5 Less



cement $45 across the road, they would say cement $40 You don’t get customers, because people $5 is
a lot. He says when I put it at 40 He put it at 35 I put it at 30 He put it at 25 That was my cost I
could not go lower than that. So I thought of a plan anyway, he says



I put it at 25 He put it at 20



I put it at 23 and 15.



He says I went to the store his store and I cleaned out all his stock I came back and put it at $45.



So the managers got together one day and he told the



he asked the chain store manager he says How did you manage?



Meaning Why do you do this? You know? So the chain store manager says no, I want to know from you
How are you coping below costs?



How are you coping below cost? He says I only had the price for you. I stopped selling the day you
went below the cost. But I used to put a price outside for you. That’s all. So these types of tricks
and this type of business it’s not supposed to be you need to be good enough clean enough to talk to
each other to say you know what, let’s agree on something. It doesn’t happen today. Oh, it’s very



It’s very rare. May Allah Almighty grant us goodness and compassion. May Allah Almighty help us to
reach out to others my brothers my sisters, I would be failing in my duty if I didn’t mention some
of the most common a hadith regarding kindness to animals. You know that a man entered paradise or
he was forgiven all his sins by Allah because he was kind to a dog. I’m sure you’re aware of that.
What happened? There was a man in the desert on a very hot day who was very thirsty and he found a



and he went down into the well to drink water He quenched his thirst and he came up



for either Caliban Yan has yet Kulu Thora Minelab Hush.



The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says as this man came up, he noticed a dog



like panting or breathing heavily sniffing into the sand out of tremendous thirst.



Imagine you notice a dog I don’t know what the population of dogs might be, but in my part of the
world, especially the Muslims, when they see a dog, they run in the other direction.



Does it happen here as well?



Some are saying yes, some are saying no, no. When you run it runs. When you stand in front of it, it



when you’re bitten don’t come back to me. Inshallah you won’t be you won’t be. But my brothers, my
sisters, this man looked at the dog, it could have been anything else he mentioned. I’ve said in the
past, imagine if it was a beautiful bird.



Beautiful, but why dog? I tell you why dog, dog because there is nothing about a dog that would want
you to be compassionate to it. If you don’t like the dogs.



It’s a dog.



Dog is a strange word. People use it to sway and they use it also to praise



you and to sway someone call him a dog he’s sworn at but he loves his dog so much. He’s hugging it
everyday. Subhanallah now what they say it’s strange.



So the dog, he came up and he thought to himself, this dog is as thirsty as I was before I went into
the well. It has no means to get in. Let me go in. He went into the well. He had nothing to take the
water back up. So what did he do? He removed his leather sock at the time the type of shoe they used
to wear it was known as a hoof. He took it out he filled it with water he came back up imagine he
got to the dog he made the dog drink from his shoe.



Adidas Mashallah. We probably wouldn’t even want anyone to touch it man, a small piece of dirt and
it’s over piano is there you start shouting people and screaming what happened to my shoe? Allah
grant you is some of them filled water in the shoe for a dog for a dog Subhanallah look at the
compassion. You know what Allah was watching? Like I told you, you do it for who do it for Allah.
Allah was watching



the man quench the thirst of the dog. Allah says We forgave his sins done, because of the love, the
compassion, the kindness that he had towards what



an animal that many people would run away from.



That’s one



magnificent teaching regarding kindness in Islam.



So, my beloved brothers, my sisters, cruelty is the opposite. When we are cruel, when we are hard
and harsh and unreasonable to people when we put them down, when we try and close their path. It is
a debt. It always comes back to haunt us unless we’ve been forgiven, not immediately, but somewhere
in the future.






cruelty oppression doesn’t go unchecked by Allah. He watches he knows he gives you a chance to make
amends, he gives you a chance to seek forgiveness. That is Allah.



And if you don’t, and you continue without having changed your system, a day comes when it will come
back to you. How However, Allah knows how.



So learn to be kind learn to be compassionate.



Moments ago I mentioned about the community how it becomes so beautiful to live in a neighborhood
where everyone cares for the other. A greet you they talk to you. How are you? How’s your dad? How’s
your father? Oh, you know your aunt wasn’t too well. How is she doing now? May Allah grant her cure.
And then you go your way when they see you Salam aleikum, anything, and they might give you
something you give them something when they leave you look after the house, when you leave, they
look after your house and so on. That is the original method. That is how it should be happening.
It’s a neighborhood. It’s a community when one child is going through a phase of life where they’re



dwindling a little bit due to adolescence or whatever else it may be. You don’t just rule the child
out reach out to the child come let me show you don’t do this. You know smoking is very bad. You
shouldn’t be smoking. The worst part is when the chances but Uncle you’re smoking for 20 years. What
about that?



It happens right?



A good answer. Bianca Lucy that’s the whole reason why I’m telling you to stop because I know what
it did to me. wasted my money destroyed my house did all the now I’m addicted. Anyway, it’s not
supposed to be that it’s just supposed to be we reach out to them in a good way. You see at the
moment we have a scourge, a scourge of intoxicants across the globe, young people are being tested
and tried with what with intoxicants or drugs and various other vices



Let’s reach out to them. These are good children who have lost the way, temporarily, inshallah only
temporarily have hope that they will come back. They will. And they shall. If we were to be written
off because of a sin we committed or something wrong we did in our lives, all of us would not be



But Allah knows, people say, sometimes you went to the wrong path, you came back, sometimes you did
something wrong, you regretted repented. But what is really a disaster is when you stay down, when
you fallen, you fell because of something and you remained there for a long, long, long time, then
it becomes problematic, don’t get up, serve the cause. Life is very short, contribute positively to
your family, to your neighborhood, to your country, to the nation to humanity, you can change the
world by doing something grand and great, you can change the world who said you can’t, you can.



But if you don’t have a feeling for some for others, you won’t be able to do anything.



I sit and I look at the wealthy people at times. And I’ll end on this note, it’s a beautiful note.



They earn a billion, the next billion is easier than the first one.



And then they earn another billion and it becomes so much they are never going to spend that much in
their lives. I want to ask you a question you can answer it. If I were to ask you, How much money do
you want to make to be able to retire and stop working anymore for the rest of your life? Give me a
figure. Can anyone shout out a figure?



1 million? My brother, my brother 1 million. Let’s add let’s make 10 Okay, let’s give you another
nine 10 million, okay, you’re happy. So he is saying if he has 10 million he will retire. I promise
you when he makes his 10 he will want another 10 and another 10 And maybe a million? How many of us
we were thinking okay, when I make my first so much a come down? I’ll relax. You have already made
it. Do you agree? And what are you doing? You’re just aiming a bit higher? Are you going to spend it
No, My children, your children really Subhan Allah, may Allah grant us ease. I promise you, my
beloved brothers, my sisters, the son of Adam, nothing will fill his belly besides the dust of his






No candlelit Niada, my word DIA and they may have been lepta la Hey, Martha DITA, if the son of Adam
had two valleys, meaning a human being two valleys full of gold, he would still I out the third, he
would want the third one. And he’s got two whole valleys.



But recently, I’ve come across really wealthy people whom at a certain point, they said, You know
what, our children are set, everything’s done. I still have billions. All of this is feasible. Allah
works. All of this is a charity. Wow.



Read about the stories.



recent times, there are people who have done this, where they say, It’s okay, everything, let it
continue. All of this shall go back to those who don’t have, because I’ve made billions 19 20
billion and the man’s giving it. And he says, Let it be why I don’t even need a billion myself in my
life. You will not going to spend it. What do you want?



May Allah help us. So there are people who do that. Whereas men is quite miserly. When he has he
wants more. And when he has more, he finds it difficult to share. There was a brother who started a
business and he told me, I want to promise that this percentage of my turnover must be given to
Allah. I said my brother make it a small percentage because it will grow so big that one day, it’s
going to be hard for you to give.



So he made it a very small percentage. I can’t recall exactly what percentage it was now, but it was
a very small percentage. One day he phoned me a few years later, he said, check what you said is so
true. That little percentage and giving is so large in amounts that it becomes difficult to give it



Another wealthy brother owns a lot of buildings. He says, You know what? I have so much but I don’t
have cash to give the second I said brother sell your buildings one by one. How can I sell my
building? But if you don’t have the money, somehow you’re going to need to get it a woman says I’ve
got so much gold for example, and I don’t have the cash. We’ll give some of them



Go or sell some of it.



May Allah Almighty make it easy for us remember don’t cling to things such that you become forgetful
of your duty of being charitable, being kind, reaching out to others and thinking about



the holistic picture, not just you, it’s everyone, all of us are together, the virus came and
inshallah it went.



What did we learn from it a lot. It left a lot of lessons. It taught us a whole new set



of guidelines. It renewed in fact, the set of guidelines that we did have, that we’d forgotten
about. You have to care for one another, your elderly parents, your little children, whoever else it
is reach out to them in every single way. It’s not just monetary.



It’s with a good word. It’s with compassion, kindness, it’s with putting yourselves in the shoes of
others before you actually react or before you do something or say something.



May Allah Almighty bless every one of us inshallah we meet in Jannah, to infidels, and may Allah
Almighty have mercy on us and make us from among the merciful, your humble woman, Phil ERBE, your
homcom Memphis Allah, have mercy upon those on earth and the Almighty will have mercy upon you. And
indeed, Mercy is definitely a portion of kindness. Akula coli ha ha SallAllahu wasallam albaraka al
and Amina Mohammed was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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