SIC SG calls for attitudinal change in addressing indiscipline

Sheikh Jarjou who was speaking at the opening of a three days dialogue between the Imams and Preachers (AIP) association of Kombo Lamin and Mosques committees within the area, said: “The rapid increase in indiscipline in the country is caused by a lack of patience among people.” 

The three days’ dialogue which was also attended by inhabitants of the area and described by many as ‘timely also witnessed the teaching to people how to perform Sujood Sahad (Prayer) and ritual bathing’.

The SIC SG emphasised on the need for people to be patient, adding: “Through patience, one can achieve his or her desired goals in this life and hereafter. In fact, through patience, one can even gain meaningful knowledge.” 

Commenting on the difficulties they encounter in teaching people about Islam, Jarjou said: “Many people feel reluctant in order to gain knowledge on how to perform Sujood Sahad (Prayer) and ritual bathing despite their limited knowledge on how to perform these practices.”

He further added: “Simply mastering the entire Qur’an and Hadith or delivering sermons about Islam doesn’t necessarily make one a scholar. Sometimes, the things you say in your sermons may upset people, thus it even becomes a problem to gather individuals from diverse backgrounds.”

Having knowledge, he went on, “doesn’t always mean you have the ability to effectively teach. Therefore, being patient with your words and actions will help you to accomplish our objective.”

For his part, Imam Alieu Cham, expressed concern about what he described as the ‘widespread chaos in the country’ which is resulting of people insulting each other, belittling, and destroying each other.

Such behaviour, Imam Cham said is against the teaching of Islam and what we have been taught by Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

Implementing educational programs, he continued, will go a long way in promoting better understanding among Gambians, saying: “Bringing such programs and initiative will go a long way in addressing some of the differences thereby fostering unity and togetherness among ourselves. Therefore, it is of crucial significance that we have such programs across the country as indiscipline is increasing in the country especially among young people,” he suggested.

Imam Hamidou Baldeh, thanked the AIP association for embarking on such a kind of initiative, adding: “Organizing such a forum where Imams and Mosques committees attended will undoubtedly go a long way in helping them to know the roles of each other.”  

“As Muslims, it is important that we always dialogue among ourselves. This will help us to address our misunderstanding, settle our differences in ideologies. Again, the lack of patience among people is the root cause of indiscipline in the country which is leading to killings, use of drugs, and corruption among others,” he postulated.

The dialogue, Baldeh added, will also help in addressing some problems that Imams and Mosques committees’ members have between them.

Participants at the convergence were also exposed to various issues including how to perform ‘Al-Ghuslu’ (Ritual Bath) for both the living and dead person, how to pray and approach Khutbah (Friday sermons). 

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